Trees and Shrubs
A division of the Camden Park catalogues that is not clearly defined. In broad terms it includes all plants with woody stems except conifers and fruit trees and shrubs.
Clerodendrum paniculatum L.
Shrub with ovate, cordate leaves and much branched panicles of scarlet flowers. To 1.2m. [RHSD].
Clerodendrum speciosissimum Paxt.
Frost tender, erect, open, evergreen shrub with opposite, heart-shaped, corrugated, toothed leaves to 30cm long, and terminal panicles of salverform, bright scarlet flowers in summer and autumn. To 4m. [RHSE]. Some authors consider Clerodendron speciosissimum Paxt. to be synonymous with C. squamatum Vahl. which see. Clerodendron fallax Lindl. is now regarded as a synonym of Clerodendron speciosissimum Paxt. which see. In the early Victorian era they were clearly regarded as separate species and treated as such in Johnson’s Dictionary.
Clerodendrum splendens G.Don ex James
Frost tender, twining, evergreen climber with opposite, elliptic, entire leaves and dense terminal panicles of salverform, bright scarlet flowers in summer. To 3m or more. [RHSE].
Clerodendrum squamatum Vahl.
Frost tender shrub with oval leaves, entire or toothed, and terminal panicles, to 35cm, of fragrant, bright scarlet flowers. To 2.5m. [RHSD, Hortus].
Clerodendrum x speciosum Teijsm. & Binn.
Frost tender perennial climber with terminal and axillary cymes of deep rose flowers, shaded violet, in summer. [RHSD, Hortus].
Coffea arabica L.
Frost-tender evergreen shrub with elliptic leaves, to 10cm long, and fragrant white flowers in late summer, followed by reddish berries, containing 2 large seeds, the coffee beans of commerce. To 7m. [RHSD, Hortus, Don].
Coleonema album (Thunb.) Bartl. & Wendle.
Frost tender, dainty, shrub with aromatic, heath-like foliage and axillary white flowers. Makes a good pot specimen. To 1m. [RHSD, Hortus, Hilliers’].
Colutea arborescens L.
Fully-hardy, vigorous shrub with pinnate leaves composed of 5-6 pairs of broadly elliptic leaflets and racemes of 3-8 yellow, pea-like flowers in summer, followed by green, then translucent, seed pods. To 3m. [RHSE, Hortus, Hilliers’].
Colvillea racemosa Bojer ex Hook.
Half-hardy erect tree, often with a long trunk and spreading branches, with fern-like leaves and 30cm-long droopy racemes of scarlet flowers, 4.5cm across, in autumn and winter. To 15m. [RHSE, Hortus].
Combretum coccineum Lam.
Frost tender to half hardy evergreen shrub or semi-climber with entire leaves, to 24cm, and elongated terminal panicles composed of many spikes of scarlet flowers in summer. To 6m. [RHSD, Hortus].
Commersonia echinata Forst.
‘A low shrub, with tomentose, irregularly-twisted branches. leaves cordate […]. Flowers small, white, in lateral panicles, coming out opposite the leaves.’ [BM t.1813/1816]. ABR t.603/1810.
Comptonia peregrina (L.) Coulter
Fragrant, suckering, deciduous shrub with deeply cut, fern-like pinnate leaves, male catkins and globular female flowers, followed by small ovoid fruits. To 1.2m. [RHSD, Hortus, Hilliers’].
Corallobotrys acuminata Hook.f.
Frost-tender, epiphytic, evergreen, irregularly branched shrub with alternate, bluntly toothed, lance-shaped leaves, purple beneath, and abundant corymbs of small, pendant, almost globular, bright coral-red flowers. [RHSD, Don].
Cordia myxa L.
Tender deciduous tree with broad, ovate leaves, to 12cm long, and large clusters of white flowers followed by mucilagenous, tan-coloured fruits, once used in medicine. [RHSD, Hortus].
Cordia sebestena L.
Frost tender. evergreen shrub or tree with entire, ovate leaves, to 20cm long and 12-45 flowered cymes of funnel-shaped orange-yellow flowers. To 10m. The wood is highly perfumed when burnt. [RHSD, Hortus].