
Colin Mills, compiler of the Hortus Camdenensis, died in late November 2012 after a short illness. As he always considered the Hortus his legacy, it is his family's intention to keep the site running in perpetuity. It will not, however, be updated in the near future.

Trees and Shrubs

A division of the Camden Park catalogues that is not clearly defined. In broad terms it includes all plants with woody stems except conifers and fruit trees and shrubs.

Abelia chinensis R.Br.

Frost-hardy, spreading, deciduous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and terminal panicles of fragrant, funnel-shaped, pink-tinged white flowers in summer and autumn.  To 1.5m.  [RHSE, Hortus, Hilliers’]. 

Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik.

Frost-tender, evergreen shrub with an erect stem, large 7-lobed leaves and large, white or sulphur-yellow flowers, to 15cm across, with a large maroon blotch at the base, either singly or in few-flowered racemes.  To 2m.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Abutilon bedfordianum St.Hil.

Half-hardy small tree with serrated, ovate leaves, to 20cm long, and usually solitary axillary, erect yellow flowers, conspicuously streaked with deep red veins.  To 4.5m.  [RHSE].

Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet

Much branched woody shrub or small tree with alternate, ovate-heart-shaped leaves, somewhat hairy, and large, axillary, orange-yellow flowers.  To 1.5m.  [Beadle, Don].

Abutilon pictum (Gillies ex Hook.) Walp.

Half-hardy, evergreen shrub or small tree, upright, then spreading, with pendant, bell-shaped, yellow to orange flowers with prominent darker veins, from spring to autumn.  To 5m.  [RHSE, Hortus].

Abutilon venosum Lem.

Frost tender shrub or small tree with 5 or 7-lobed leaves, to 23cm across, and solitary, axillary, golden yellow flowers veined with reddish-brown, to 5cm across.  [RHSD].

Acacia amoena Wendl.f.

Half hardy, bushy shrub with bipinnate, bluntish oblong, blue-green phyllodes and axillary racemes of bright yellow flowers in compact, round heads in spring.  To 2m.  [FNSW, Beadle].

Acacia brownei (Poir.) Steud

Erect or spreading shrub with thorn-like phyllodes and axillary, globular bright yellow flower heads.  To 1m.  [FNSW].

Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.

Frost-tender, medium-sized shrub or small tree with leaves bearing up to 8 pairs of pinnae, each with up to 20 pairs of leaflets, and sweet-scented, deep yellow flowers in summer.  To 7m.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Acacia linifolia (Vent.) Willd.

Fully-hardy, sparsely branched, arching shrub with narrow, linear leaves (phyllodes) and terminal, rounded heads of fragrant cream flowers in slender racemes from summer to winter.  To 2m.  [RHSD, Beadle, FNSW].

Acacia paradoxa DC.

Spiny, usually erect and bushy, sometimes spreading shrub with half ovate phyllodes to 2.5cm long and masses of axillary, globular flower heads, to .5cm or so across, with bright yellow flowers all along the branches.  To 3m.  [RHSD, Hortus, Hilliers’, FNSW].

Acacia pendula A.Cunn.

Half-hardy, bushy, broad-headed, evergreen tree with sickle-shaped leaves and short, branching racemes of spherical, pale yellow flower heads in winter.  To 10m.  [RHSE, Hortus, Hilliers’].

Acacia riceana Hensl.

Graceful, often weeping, small tree with up to 4 needle-like, spine-tipped phyllodes at each joint, to 5cm long, and globose heads of yellow flowers forming spikes up to 5cm long.  To 10m.  [RHSD, Hortus, Hilliers’].

Acacia suaveolens (Sm.) Willd.

Prostrate to erect shrub with linear phyllodes up to 15 cm long, and globular axillary racemes of pale yellow flowers.  To 2.5m.  [RHSD, Hortus, FNSW].

Acacia terminalis (Salisb.) J.F.Macbr.

Frost-hardy, dense shrub or small tree with leaves composed of 2-6 pairs of pinnae, each bearing up to 12 pairs of leaflets, and rounded heads of cream to deep yellow flowers in long racemes, often forming a large terminal panicle, in autumn and winter.  To 3m.  [RHSD, Hortus, FNSW].

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