Herbaceous Plants
A division of the Camden Park catalogues that is poorly defined. Annuals and perennial herbs were included here. This is retained but Annuals are also separately identified.
Thysanotus juncifolius (Salisb.) J.H.Willis & Court
Frost-hardy herbaceous plant with rush-like foliage and a slender, loosely branched inflorescence of a few purple, fringed flowers in spring and summer. [RHSD, FNSW, Beadle].
Tillandsia setacea Sw.
Epiphytic perennial with erect, rigid leaves, to 30cm long, and flowers in dense spikes with red, yellow-edged bracts, each bearing a tubular white flower. [RHSD, Hortus].
Torenia asiatica L.
Frost tender, trailing annual with serrated, lance-shaped leaves, to 5cm, and stout, axillary racemes of tubular, dark purple-blue flowers, with violet lateral lobes, blotched with purple, in summer. To 25cm. [RHSD, Hortus].
Torenia asiatica L. var. concolor Lindl.
For details see Torenia asiatica L. Similar to the type but more open and loosely spreading than the species, the flowers of a more uniform blue, without the deep purple blotches.
Tradescantia crassula Link & Otto
Tender herbaceous succulent with branching, ascending stems, oblong leaves and many-flowered, usually terminal umbels of white flowers. To 45cm. [RHSD].
Tradescantia pendula (Schnizl.) D.R.Hunt
Frost tender trailing or creeping, node-rooting perennial with ovate, fleshy, bluish-green leaves, to 10cm long, with two longitudinal silvery stripes above, and rich purple beneath, and paired, terminal cymes of purple-blue flowers throughout the year. [RHSE, Hortus].
Tradescantia spathacea Sw.
Frost tender, clump-forming perennial with rosettes of semi-erect, lance-shaped, fleshy, leaves, deep purple beneath, to 35cm long, and paired axillary cymes of white flowers, surrounded by long-lasting purple bracts, throughout the year. To 30cm. [RHSE, Hortus].
Tradescantia spathacea Sm. var. vittata
See also Tradescantia spathacea Sw. Vittata has leaves with numerous longitudinal, pale yellow stripes above, deep purple beneath. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine figures both the type [BM t.1192/1809] and the variety variegata, otherwise known as vittata, much more richly coloured. [BM t.5079/1858].
Tropaeolum azureum Miers
Half-hardy perennial climber with an ovoid tuber, 5-9 palmate leaves and short-spurred, sky-blue flowers with whitish cream or yellow centres in spring. To 1m. [RHSE].
Tropaeolum majus L.
Frost-tender annual scrambler or climber with rounded to kidney-shaped leaves and long-spurred, orange, red or yellow flowers from summer to autumn. To 3m. There are many garden cultivars and hybrids. The leaves, flowers and unripe seeds are all edible. [RHSE, Hortus].
Tropaeolum peregrinum L.
Frost-tender, strong-growing, annual climber with 5-lobed leaves and hook-spurred, bright yellow flowers, resembling tiny birds wings, from summer to autumn. To 4m. [RHSE, Hortus].
Tweedia coerulea D.Don ex Sweet
Frost tender, erect, evergreen subshrub with twining, hairy stems, lance-shaped downy leaves, to 10cm long, and 3- or 4-flowered cymes of oblong-petalled, sky-blue flowers, to 2.5cm across, ageing to purple, in summer and autumn. To 1m. [RHSE, Hortus, Hilliers’].
Ursinia dentata (L.) Poir.
Frost hardy, shrubby perennial with pinnate leaves with one or two leaflets and flower stems to 20cm bearing daisy-like flowers, white or yellow above and purple and coppery beneath, in winter. Flowers throughout the year. To 60cm. [RHSD, Rice].
Verbascum boerhavi L.
Half hardy biennial with elliptic basal leaves, to 30cm, and tall spikes of yellow flowers in summer. [RHSD, Hortus].
Verbascum phoeniceum L.
Fully hardy, rosette-forming biennial with heavily veined, dark green basal leaves, to 15cm long, with slender racemes, to 30cm long, of saucer-shaped pink or violet-purple, sometimes white, flowers, to 3cm across, in spring and summer. To 1.2m. [RHSE, Hortus].