
Colin Mills, compiler of the Hortus Camdenensis, died in late November 2012 after a short illness. As he always considered the Hortus his legacy, it is his family's intention to keep the site running in perpetuity. It will not, however, be updated in the near future.

Australian Natives

All of these plants will also appear in one of the Camden Park catalogue categories.

Beaufortia species unidentified

Beaufortia is a genus of 19 species of evergreen shrubs from warm-temperate areas of Western Australia, with bottle-brush-like flowers.  [RHSE].

Blandfordia grandiflora R.Br.

Frost-tender rhizomatous perennial with linear leaves and loose racemes of red or red and yellow flowers in early summer.  To 60cm.  [RHSE, Hortus, FNSW].

Blandfordia nobilis Sm.

Frost-tender rhizomatous perennial with finely-toothed, linear leaves, to 80cm long, crowded at the base, and loose racemes of up to 15 copper red to orange flowers, stained yellow, sometimes entirely yellow, in early summer. To 60cm.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Boronia anemonifolia A.Cunn.

Bushy shrub with downy shoots, pinnate leaves with three, sometimes five leaflets, usually tinged with brown or yellow, and usually paired, pale pink to white flowers in the axils of the upper leaves.  It is slow to flower.  To 80cm.  [RHSD, Beadle, FNSW].

Boronia fraseri Hook.

Shrub with pinnate leaves, with three or five narrowly lance-shaped leaflets, and axillary clusters of deep rose-coloured flowers.  To 1m.  [RHSD, FNSW].

Boronia ledifolia (Vent.) DC. var. triphylla (Rchb.) Benth.

Half hardy bushy perennial shrub with usually solitary pink flowers.  To 1.5m.  [FNSW, Blombery, Beadle].

Boronia microphylla Sieb. ex Rchb.

Half hardy, low shrubby perennial with rose-pink to rose-purple flowers, usually 1-3 to a cyme, in spring and summer.  To 1m.  [FNSW, Beadle].

Boronia pinnata Sm.

Half hardy, robust perennial shrub with pinnate leaves and numerous deep pink flowers in loose axillary or sub-terminal cymes.  To 1.5m.  [RHSD, FNSW, Blombery, Beadle].

Boronia serrulata Sm.

Frost tender, bushy, erect, then spreading shrub with finely-toothed, aromatic leaves and profuse, dense, terminal cymes of bell-shaped, fragrant, rich purplish-pink or occasionally white flowers from winter to summer.  To 90cm.  [RHSE, FNSW].

Brachychiton acerifolius (A.Cunn. ex G.Don) Macarthur & C.Moore

Frost tender, open, evergreen or briefly deciduous tree with glossy, leaves, either simple and ovate, or 3- to 5-lobed, often on the same plant, and large, terminal, panicle-like cymes of bowl-shaped, bright coral-red flowers, to 2cm across, in summer, usually before the leaves.  To 35m.  [RHSE, Hortus, Beadle].

Brachychiton australis (Schott. & Endl.) A.Terracc.

A bottle-shaped tree when mature, deciduous when flowering, with 5-lobed leaves, to 25cm, and short racemes of cup-shaped white flowers, to 2.5cm long.  [REF].

Brachychiton bidwillii Hook.

Variable frost tender shrub, deciduous when flowering, with ovate leaves, to 25cm, often 3- or 5-lobed, axillary clusters of tubular red or crimson flowers, sometimes yellow inside.  To 4m.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) R.Br.

Densely branched evergreen tree with lustrous, ovate leaves, varying from entire to 5-lobed on the same plant, and terminal and axillary, panicle-like cymes of saucer-shaped, green, cream or pink flowers, to 1.5cm across, spotted with brown or red, in summer.  To 20m.  [RHSE, Beadle, Blomberry, Hortus].

Brachychiton rupestris (Mitch. ex Lindl.) K.Schum.

Frost tender, slow growing tree with simple, lance-shaped leaves, in which the base of the tree becomes greatly enlarged.  It has small, cream, bell-shaped flowers.  To 20m.  [RHSD, Wrigley, Blombery].

Brunonia australis R.Br.

Half hardy perennial rock plant with hairy leaves to 4.5cm long in a basal rosette, and blue flowers in terminal, pincushion-like heads, to 2.5cm across.  To 25cm.  [RHSD, Hortus].

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