
Colin Mills, compiler of the Hortus Camdenensis, died in late November 2012 after a short illness. As he always considered the Hortus his legacy, it is his family's intention to keep the site running in perpetuity. It will not, however, be updated in the near future.


Predominantly shrubby plants with 65 genera and some 1550 species world wide.  Represented in the Hortus mainly by ornamental species, particularly Erica and Rhododendron. 

Plants in this Family

  1. Rhododendron ‘Victoria’
  2. Rhododendron ‘Tigrinum’
  3. Rhododendron ‘Tardiva Speciosa’
  4. Rhododendron ‘Splendidum’
  5. Rhododendron ‘Russelianum’ Sweet
  6. Rhododendron ‘Robustum’
  7. Rhododendron ‘Rawsonii’
  8. Rhododendron ‘Pride of Dorking’
  9. Rhododendron ‘Lowii’
  10. Rhododendron ‘Humilis’
  11. Rhododendron ‘Henri Resi’
  12. Rhododendron ‘Coccinea Orange’
  13. Rhododendron ‘Broughtonii’
  14. Rhododendron ‘Bella’
  15. Rhododendron ‘Augustum’
  16. Rhododendron x pulcherrimum Hort. ex Lindl.
  17. Rhododendron x nobleanum Hort. ex Lindl.
  18. Rhododendron x gandavensis ‘Punicea’
  19. Rhododendron x gandavensis ‘Gloria-mundi’
  20. Rhododendron x gandavensis ‘Dulcedo’
  21. Rhododendron x gandavensis ‘Cuprea Grandiflora’
  22. Rhododendron x gandavensis ‘Blandina’
  23. Rhododendron x gandavense ‘Amoenissima’
  24. Rhododendron x azaleoides Desf.
  25. Rhododendron x alterclerense ‘Thyrsiflora’
  26. Rhododendron x alterclerense ‘Regalis’
  27. Rhododendron x alterclerense ‘Govenianum’
  28. Rhododendron x alterclerense ‘Coccinea Nobilis’
  29. Rhododendron x alterclerense ‘Aurorae’
  30. Rhododendron x alterclerense Lindl.
  31. Rhododendron viscosum ‘Violae-odora’
  32. Rhododendron viscosum Torr.
  33. Rhododendron species unidentified from China
  34. Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet
  35. Rhododendron ponticum L. var. roseum
  36. Rhododendron ponticum L. var. album
  37. Rhododendron ponticum L.
  38. Rhododendron phoeniceum G.Don
  39. Rhododendron pallidum Dümmer
  40. Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.
  41. Rhododendron nudiflorum ‘Rubicunda’
  42. Rhododendron nudiflorum ‘Incarnata Maxima’
  43. Rhododendron nudiflorum ‘Coccinea Major’
  44. Rhododendron nudiflorum ‘Bicolor’
  45. Rhododendron mucronatum ‘Alba Maculata’
  46. Rhododendron molle Sieb. and Zucc.
  47. Rhododendron maximum L.
  48. Rhododendron luteum Sweet
  49. Rhododendron lepidotum Wall.
  50. Rhododendron javanicum Benn.
  51. Rhododendron indicum ‘Woodsii’
  52. Rhododendron indicum ‘Wooderii’
  53. Rhododendron indicum ‘Variegata’
  54. Rhododendron indicum ‘Triumphans’
  55. Rhododendron indicum ‘Splendens’
  56. Rhododendron indicum ‘Speciosissima’
  57. Rhododendron indicum ‘Smithii’
  58. Rhododendron indicum ‘Smithii Coccinea’
  59. Rhododendron indicum ‘Semi-duplex Maculata’
  60. Rhododendron indicum ‘Robusta’
  61. Rhododendron indicum ‘Refulgens’
  62. Rhododendron indicum ‘Ramentacea’
  63. Rhododendron indicum ‘Purpurea’
  64. Rhododendron indicum ‘Purpurea Plena’
  65. Rhododendron indicum ‘Ovata’
  66. Rhododendron indicum ‘Optima’
  67. Rhododendron indicum ‘Obtusum’
  68. Rhododendron indicum ‘Mirabilis Rosea’
  69. Rhododendron indicum ‘Macranthum’
  70. Rhododendron indicum ‘Macrantha’
  71. Rhododendron indicum ‘Jenkinsonii’
  72. Rhododendron indicum ‘Gledstanesii’
  73. Rhododendron indicum ‘Georgiana’
  74. Rhododendron indicum ‘Formosa’
  75. Rhododendron indicum ‘Fimbriata’
  76. Rhododendron indicum ‘Fielderiana’
  77. Rhododendron indicum ‘Exquisita’
  78. Rhododendron indicum ‘Edmondsii’
  79. Rhododendron indicum ‘Dunbarri’
  80. Rhododendron indicum ‘Duc de Brabant’
  81. Rhododendron indicum ‘Delicata’
  82. Rhododendron indicum ‘Colorans’
  83. Rhododendron indicum ‘Coccineum’
  84. Rhododendron indicum ‘Cleopatra’
  85. Rhododendron indicum ‘Carminata’
  86. Rhododendron indicum ‘Atrorubens’
  87. Rhododendron indicum ‘Apollo’
  88. Rhododendron indicum ‘Alba’
  89. Rhododendron indicum ‘Alba Compacta’
  90. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. spectabilis
  91. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. rosea superba
  92. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. purpurea superba
  93. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. pulcherrimina
  94. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. murrayana
  95. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. mirabilis superba
  96. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. magnifica
  97. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. incomparable
  98. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. grenvillia
  99. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. eximia
  100. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. danielsii amabilis
  101. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. danielsii
  102. Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. coronata
  103. Rhododendron indicum Sweet
  104. Rhododendron formosum Wall. var. gibsoni
  105. Rhododendron catawbiense ‘Purpureum Grandiflorum’
  106. Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
  107. Rhododendron calendulaceum ‘Aurantiaca Variegata’
  108. Rhododendron calendulaceum Lee’s ‘Triumphans’
  109. Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr. var. speciosa
  110. Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr. var. flammea fulgens
  111. Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr. var. cuprea
  112. Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr.
  113. Rhododendron barbatum G.Don
  114. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. var. venustum
  115. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. var. album
  116. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. ssp. zeylanicum
  117. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. ssp. cinnamomeum (Lindl.) Tagg.
  118. Rhododendron arboreum Sm.
  119. Rhododendron arborescens Torr.
  120. Rhododendron anthopogon D.Don var. aromaticum
  121. Rhododendron anthopogon D.Don
  122. Pernettya mucronata Gaudich. ex G.Don
  123. Oxydendrum arboreum DC.
  124. Kalmia latifolia L.
  125. Gaylussacia species unidentified
  126. Erica viscaria L.
  127. Erica vestita Thunb.
  128. Erica thymifolia Andr.
  129. Erica tetralix L.
  130. Erica species unidentified
  131. Erica pinifolia Andr.
  132. Erica pinea Thunb.
  133. Erica parviflora L..
  134. Erica parviflora L. var. hispida
  135. Erica nudiflora L.
  136. Erica multiflora L.
  137. Erica manipuliflora Salisb.
  138. Erica mammosa L.
  139. Erica imbricata L.
  140. Erica coccinea L.
  141. Erica cerinthoides L.
  142. Erica canaliculata Andr.
  143. Erica bauera Andr.
  144. Erica baccans L..
  145. Erica arborea L.
  146. Erica abietina L. ssp. abietina
  147. Daboecia cantabrica (Huds.) K.Koch.
  148. Corallobotrys acuminata Hook.f.
  149. Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull.
  150. Arbutus unedo L. var. serratifolia
  151. Arbutus unedo L. var. photinifolia
  152. Arbutus unedo L. var. flore pleno
  153. Arbutus unedo L.
  154. Arbutus nepalensis [Macarthur]
  155. Arbutus canariensis Duham.
  156. Arbutus andrachne L.