
Colin Mills, compiler of the Hortus Camdenensis, died in late November 2012 after a short illness. As he always considered the Hortus his legacy, it is his family's intention to keep the site running in perpetuity. It will not, however, be updated in the near future.

Herbaceous Plants

A division of the Camden Park catalogues that is poorly defined. Annuals and perennial herbs were included here. This is retained but Annuals are also separately identified.

Pelargonium ‘Carlos’

A Florists' Geranium. A large, even flower, of good shape, dark top and rosy bottom petals and clean white centre.  ‘A noble flower for exhibition.’  Bred by Mr. Hoyle of Regalia.  [Gard. Chron. 1853]. ‘Carlos’ featured heavily in shows in 1858.  [Gard. Chron. 1858].


Pelargonium ‘Golden Chain’

A golden variegated geranium, leaves marginated not zonate.  It has a dwarf, spreading habit, its leaves flat, yellow, with green disk.  The flowers are abundant, bright scarlet.  It was given a First Class Certificate by the Horticultural Society in 1862.  [Gard. Chron. 1862].  ‘Leaves large, with a broad rim of rich yellow, and having a lead-shaped green at the centre.  The flowers are scarlet of excellent form. It is a charming variety.’  [FC p.146/1850].


Pelargonium cultivars

Florist’s Geranium: ‘A circle, without indentation; smooth at the edges, thick, rich texture; colours well defined; truss five pips or more, forming a large showy head of bloom; marking decided, the greater contrast the better.’  [FC p.9/1848]. 


Penstemon angustifolius Nutt. ex Pursh

Herbaceous perennial with linear to lance-shaped leaves and clusters of white, blue, lilac to pink flowers.  To 30cm.  [RHSD, Hortus].  The flowers in the accompanying illustration from Loddiges’ Botanical Cabinet are bright red but seem to be otherwise accurately depicted.

Penstemon campanulatus Willd.

Frost hardy, upright, branching, semi-evergreen perennial with sharply toothed lance-shaped leaves, to 10cm long, and long spikes of bell-shaped, pink, dark purple or violet flowers, about 2.5cm long, in early summer.  To 60cm.  Pentstmon campanulatus is a parent of many garden hybrids.  [RHSE, Hortus].

Penstemon campanulatus Willd. var. pulchellus (Lindl.) Voss

See Pentstemon campanulatus Willd. for details.  The variety pulchellus has white-veined violet or lilac flowers and narrower leaves.  To 60cm.  [RHSE, BR f.1138/1828, as Penstemon pulchellus].  See also BM t.3884/1841.

Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene subsp. scouleri (Dougl. ex Lindl) Pennell & D.D.Keck

Hardy, shrubby perennial with lance-shaped leaves and rose-purple or lilac flowers.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Penstemon grandiflorus Nutt.

Stout, glaucous herbaceous plant with broad leaves and up to 5-flowered cymes of large, showy, lavendar-purple flowers.  To 90cm.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Penstemon grandis Hort.

An unidentified Penstemon, probably an improved form of a popular garden species or a hybrid.  The name grandis suggests a plant larger than the type rather than a larger flower.

Penstemon hartwegii Benth.

Frost hardy, erect, branching perennial with lance-shaped leaves and drooping scarlet or red flowers, to 5cm long, on 2-3-flowered panicles in early summer.  To 60cm.  A parent of many of the common garden hybrids, with some of the older varieties approaching the species in appearance.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Penstemon laevigatus Ait.

Fully hardy perennial with lance-shaped, toothed leaves, to 15cm, and tubular, pale violet flowers, to 2.5cm long, white or very pale violet inside, in summer.  To 1.2m.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Penstemon murrayanus Hook.

Erect, hardy perennial with ovate to oblong leaves and deep scarlet flowers.  To 90cm.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Penstemon ovatus Dougl.

Hardy perennial with broad-ovate leaves and blue flowers changing to purple.  To 1.2m.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Penstemon pallidus Small

Herbaceous erect perennial with tubular white flowers in spring and early summer.  To 60cm.  [Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium –].

Penstemon perfoliatus A.Brongn.

‘Vigorous penstemon with medium blue flowers.  Interesting gray-green broad leaves that wrap the stems to the extent that it appears the stem has pierced through them.’  [Rocky Mountain Rare Plants - Online Reference -].

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