Herbaceous Plants
A division of the Camden Park catalogues that is poorly defined. Annuals and perennial herbs were included here. This is retained but Annuals are also separately identified.
Pelargonium ‘Carlos’
A Florists' Geranium. A large, even flower, of good shape, dark top and rosy bottom petals and clean white centre. ‘A noble flower for exhibition.’ Bred by Mr. Hoyle of Regalia. [Gard. Chron. 1853]. ‘Carlos’ featured heavily in shows in 1858. [Gard. Chron. 1858].
Pelargonium ‘Golden Chain’
A golden variegated geranium, leaves marginated not zonate. It has a dwarf, spreading habit, its leaves flat, yellow, with green disk. The flowers are abundant, bright scarlet. It was given a First Class Certificate by the Horticultural Society in 1862. [Gard. Chron. 1862]. ‘Leaves large, with a broad rim of rich yellow, and having a lead-shaped green at the centre. The flowers are scarlet of excellent form. It is a charming variety.’ [FC p.146/1850].
Pelargonium cultivars
Florist’s Geranium: ‘A circle, without indentation; smooth at the edges, thick, rich texture; colours well defined; truss five pips or more, forming a large showy head of bloom; marking decided, the greater contrast the better.’ [FC p.9/1848].
Penstemon angustifolius Nutt. ex Pursh
Herbaceous perennial with linear to lance-shaped leaves and clusters of white, blue, lilac to pink flowers. To 30cm. [RHSD, Hortus]. The flowers in the accompanying illustration from Loddiges’ Botanical Cabinet are bright red but seem to be otherwise accurately depicted.
Penstemon campanulatus Willd.
Frost hardy, upright, branching, semi-evergreen perennial with sharply toothed lance-shaped leaves, to 10cm long, and long spikes of bell-shaped, pink, dark purple or violet flowers, about 2.5cm long, in early summer. To 60cm. Pentstmon campanulatus is a parent of many garden hybrids. [RHSE, Hortus].
Penstemon campanulatus Willd. var. pulchellus (Lindl.) Voss
See Pentstemon campanulatus Willd. for details. The variety pulchellus has white-veined violet or lilac flowers and narrower leaves. To 60cm. [RHSE, BR f.1138/1828, as Penstemon pulchellus]. See also BM t.3884/1841.
Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene subsp. scouleri (Dougl. ex Lindl) Pennell & D.D.Keck
Hardy, shrubby perennial with lance-shaped leaves and rose-purple or lilac flowers. [RHSD, Hortus].
Penstemon grandiflorus Nutt.
Stout, glaucous herbaceous plant with broad leaves and up to 5-flowered cymes of large, showy, lavendar-purple flowers. To 90cm. [RHSD, Hortus].
Penstemon grandis Hort.
An unidentified Penstemon, probably an improved form of a popular garden species or a hybrid. The name grandis suggests a plant larger than the type rather than a larger flower.
Penstemon hartwegii Benth.
Frost hardy, erect, branching perennial with lance-shaped leaves and drooping scarlet or red flowers, to 5cm long, on 2-3-flowered panicles in early summer. To 60cm. A parent of many of the common garden hybrids, with some of the older varieties approaching the species in appearance. [RHSD, Hortus].
Penstemon laevigatus Ait.
Fully hardy perennial with lance-shaped, toothed leaves, to 15cm, and tubular, pale violet flowers, to 2.5cm long, white or very pale violet inside, in summer. To 1.2m. [RHSD, Hortus].
Penstemon murrayanus Hook.
Erect, hardy perennial with ovate to oblong leaves and deep scarlet flowers. To 90cm. [RHSD, Hortus].
Penstemon ovatus Dougl.
Hardy perennial with broad-ovate leaves and blue flowers changing to purple. To 1.2m. [RHSD, Hortus].
Penstemon pallidus Small
Herbaceous erect perennial with tubular white flowers in spring and early summer. To 60cm. [Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium – www.wisplants.uwsp.edu].
Penstemon perfoliatus A.Brongn.
‘Vigorous penstemon with medium blue flowers. Interesting gray-green broad leaves that wrap the stems to the extent that it appears the stem has pierced through them.’ [Rocky Mountain Rare Plants - Online Reference - www.rmrp.com].