A family of some 120 genera and 650 species of shrubs, trees or often woody climbers, occasionally herbs, chiefly from tropical and sub-tropical regions, notably tropical America. [FNSW]. Represented in the Hortus by 16 ornamental species.
Plants in this Family
- Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach.
- Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex H.B.&K.
- Spathodea species unidentified
- Pyrostegia venusta Miers
- Pandorea pandorana (Andr.) Steenis
- Pandorea jasminoides (Lindl.) K. Schum. var. alba
- Pandorea jasminoides (Lindl.) K. Schum.
- Heterophragma quadriloculare K.Schum.
- Eccremocarpus scaber Ruiz & Pav.
- Dolichandrone spathacea (L.f.) Schum.
- Distictis buccinatoria (DC.) A.H.Gentry
- Catalpa bignonioides Walt.
- Campsis radicans (L.) Seem.
- Campsis grandiflora K. Schum.
- Bignonia unguis-cati L.
- Bignonia capreolata L.
- Anemopaegma chamberlaynii Bureau & K.Schum.