
Colin Mills, compiler of the Hortus Camdenensis, died in late November 2012 after a short illness. As he always considered the Hortus his legacy, it is his family's intention to keep the site running in perpetuity. It will not, however, be updated in the near future.

Urechites suberectus Müll.Arg.

Frost-tender, evergreen, twining climber, with opposite, ovate leaves, downy beneath, with large, salver-shaped, yellow flowers, with somewhat reflexed petals, in summer.  [RHSD].

Horticultural & Botanical History

‘This twining plant is well adapted for pot culture, being moderate in growth and a profuse bloomer, producing great clusters of Convolvulus-shaped flowers of the purest yellow, all through the summer and autumn months.’  [Gard. Chron. 1853].  Introduced to Britain in 1759 by Miller, but was rare by 1840.  [MB p.101/1840].  ‘I regret that at the time the drawing of this really handsome Apocyneous plant [Dipladenia flava] was made from specimens in the Royal Gardens, the glandular structure of the receptacle and of the inside of the calyx was neglected to be examined, and I am at a loss whether to refer the species to Echites or to Dipladenia.  The general form of the flower seems to justify its being placed in the latter genus; if indeed the two be really distinct.  The plant seems undoubtedly new, and was sent from Santa Martha, New Grenada, by Mr. Purdie, in 1845.  It requires the heat of a stove for its successful cultivation.  The flowers are nearly equal in size, and the same in colour, as our yellow-flowered species of Allamanda.  Its blossoms with us are produced in May.’  [BM t.4702/1853].  ABR pl.187/1801.

History at Camden Park

Listed in the 1850 and 1857 catalogues [T.404/1850].  First obtained from Loddiges’ Nursery in 1848 but Macarthur reported in a letter dated 1st February, 1849, that it was dead on arrival.  [MP A2933-1, p.185].  It was obtained from them again, brought out from England by Captain P. P. King in late 1849.  [ML A1980-3].  See also Mandevilla longiflora (Desf.) Pichon.


Echites suberectus Andr. = Urechites andrewsii Small, synonym Echites andrewsii Chapm.  A related species with yellow flowers from Florida.  [RHSD].  BM t.1064/1807.

Published May 29, 2009 - 05:02 PM | Last updated Sep 21, 2011 - 05:18 PM

Illustrated are ovate leaves and bright yellow salviform flowers.  Curtis's Botanical Magazine t.4702, 1853.

Urechites suberectus Müll.Arg. | BM t.4702/1853 | BHL


Family Apocynaceae
Region of origin


  • Echites suberectus Jacq.
  • Haemadictyon suberectum G.Don
  • Urechites pinetorum Small
  • Dipladenia flava Hook.


Common Name

Savannah flower

Name in the Camden Park Record

Echites suberecta 


Confidence level high