Alyxia species unidentified
These are possibly tropical Australian species collected by Dr. Leichardt. Alyxia is a genus of about 80, mostly tropical shrubs with small, white, usually sweet-scented, five-petalled flowers resembling propellers, followed by glossy, orange or red fruits. There are 9 species in Australia, 3 of which, Alyxia buxifolia, A. ruscifolia and A. spicata are in cultivation. [Wrigley].
Horticultural & Botanical History
Two species of Alyxia were figured in Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, A. daphnoides A.Cunn., from Norfolk Island [BM t.3312/1834] and A. ruscifolia R.Br., from the warmer regions of eastern Australia [BM t. 3313/1834]. The latter is also figured in Loddiges’ Botanical Cabinet: ‘This is a native of the northern parts of New Holland, within the tropic, according to Mr. Brown. It appears to be a small shrub with straight branches, and rigid glossy leaves, ending in a hard point, growing in whorls of four or five each. It flowers with us in January, preserved in a warm greenhouse.’ [LBC no.1811/1834].
History at Camden Park
Listed in all published catalogues but never fully identified. [T.47/1843]. If these were grown from seed collected by Leichhardt it is possible that Macarthur was unsure of their identity until well after 1857.
Published Jan 16, 2009 - 11:15 AM | Last updated Sep 29, 2011 - 05:22 PM
![The image depicts a shrub with small, shiny leaves and terminal small white flowers. Curtis's Botanical Cabinet t.3313, 1834.](
Alyxia ruscifolia R.Br. | BM t.3313/1834. Possibly one of the plants listed by Macarthur as Alyxia sp. | BHL
Family | Apocynaceae |
Category | |
Region of origin | Probably north eastern Australia |
Synonyms | |
Common Name | |
Name in the Camden Park Record | Alyxia 2 sp.
Confidence level | low |