Trees and Shrubs
A division of the Camden Park catalogues that is not clearly defined. In broad terms it includes all plants with woody stems except conifers and fruit trees and shrubs.
Camellia japonica ‘Pyrrha’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. Camden Park bred, seedling 11/50. ‘Crimson, outer petals large and well shaped, inner smaller and crowded. Good flower of its kind.’ William Macarthur. [MP A2948-6].
Camellia japonica L. var. 'Rosa mundi' ‘Rosa Mundi’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L., ‘Rosa Mundi’ has well formed double flowers, to 7cm across, the petals having a white ground spotted and striped with crimson. [ICR].
Camellia japonica ‘Rosa Sinensis’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. ‘The flower resembles ‘Elegans’ in size and arrangement of petals. Colour is a pale purplish red, and it measures up to 10cm across. The outer petals are large, flat and spreading; the inner are small and irregularly formed, coiled inwards and twisted; intermixed with a few imperfect stamens. Outer petals veined a dark red.’ [Chandler and Buckingham, Camellia Britannica, pgs. 13, 19. Quoted in the ICR]. Berlèse vol.I pl.87/1841.
Camellia japonica ‘Rosalind’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. Camden Park bred, seedling 69/52. ‘Pale bright crimson, almost lake, good shape, not very double, several outer rows of petals large, inner smaller. Tolerably good, colour very bright.’ William Macarthur. [MP A2948-6].
Camellia japonica ‘Rosaline’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. Camden Park bred, seedling 60/52. ‘Deep pink, very large, not very double, petals large and of thick substance, but not numerous enough, inclined to be striped. Showy but too loose.’ William Macarthur. [MP A2948-6].
Camellia japonica ‘Rose coloured’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. No detailed description is extant.
Camellia japonica ‘Rossii’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. ‘Rossii’ is a seedling of ‘Anemoniflora’ with deep red flowers, the petals finely veined. [ICR, FC p.186/1835]. ‘Leaves large, ovate-lanceolate, curled, recurved towards the stock, very dentate, of a full green; bud with green scales; flower double, three inches in diameter, of a fine cherry-red, No.4, sometimes spotted. – Very beautiful.’ [Berlèse Monography p.80/1838].
Camellia japonica ‘Rotundifolia’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L., ‘Rotundifolia’ has single red flowers. [LBC no.1112/1826].
Camellia japonica ‘Rowena’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. Camden Park bred, seedling 21/50. ‘Pink, large flower, three rows of outer petals large, good substance and form, a thick tuft of inner petals standing erect, good flower.’ William Macarthur. [MP A2948-6].
Camellia japonica ‘Rubra Plena’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. The double flowers are up to 8cm across and crimson-red in colour, resembling the flowers of a double Hibiscus. [Don, ICR].
Camellia japonica ‘Rubra’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L., ‘Rubra’, imported from China, has single, dark red flowers. [ICR, FC p.186/1835].
Camellia japonica ‘Speciosa’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. The flowers are crimson marked with white. [ICR]. ‘Flower [of Camellia Speciosa vera] large, beautiful, full, of a deep cherry-red; No.5, petals of the exterior in two or three rows, large, regular, recurved upon the calyx, those of the centre irregular, multiplied, close undulate, rumpled, having a little white spot on the superior part; corolla three inches in diameter. – Superb.’ [Berlèse Monography p.81/1838]. Berlèse also figures ‘Speciosa vera’ in his Iconographie, crimson flowers unmarked with white. It is not unusual for trees bearing red or pink flowers marked with white to also bear flowers entirely of the darker colour. [Berlèse Iconographie vol.1 pl.57/1841].
Camellia japonica ‘Spectabilis’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. ‘Leaves large, often of the colour and form of those of the single red camellia, or those of Variegata plena; buds with greenish scales; flower three inches in diameter, double, rose color, No.4; exterior petals regularly arranged in three rows, broad, sometimes spotted with white; those of the centre swollen, folded upon the ovary, twisted, mixed with some stamens and often striped with white. – Very handsome.’ [Berlèse Monography p.54/1838].
Camellia japonica ‘Splendens’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L. ‘Camellia splendens vera. – We possess two varieties of C. Splendens: the first has a single flower, and is not remarkable; the second, whose leaves very much resemble those of C. Magniflora plena has a superb appearance; its flowers very large, full, regular, deep cherry-red, No.5; petals, rounded, imbricated, some of those in the centre contorted, and formed into two separate hearts. – Superb.’ [Berlèse Monography p.81/1838].
Camellia japonica ‘Spofforthiae Carnea’
A cultivar of Camellia japonica L., ‘Spofforthiae Carnea’, bred by William Herbert, is very similar to ‘Spofforthiae’ but with larger, pink flowers. [ICR].