Trees and Shrubs
A division of the Camden Park catalogues that is not clearly defined. In broad terms it includes all plants with woody stems except conifers and fruit trees and shrubs.
Rondeletia odorata Jacq.
Frost-tender, bushy shrub with oblong, puckered, wavy-margined leaves, to 10cm long, and dense terminal clusters, to 10cm long, of fragrant, tubular, orange to red, yellow-throated flowers in autumn. To 3m. [RHSE, Hortus].
Rosa 'Isabella Gray'
Noisette rose. Paul considered it to be the deepest of all yellows, with a large and full flower of globular shape, on a vigorous bush, but thought it to be unreliable outdoors in England. This comment by Paul sparked a vigorous debate in the pages of The Gardeners’ Chronicle [Paul (1863, 1888, 1903), Rivers (1857, 1863)].
Rosa ‘Acidalie’
Bourbon rose. ‘Acidalie’ has large, full, globular, sweetly-scented flowers of pure white with blush centres on a vigorous bush. It requires good weather to perform well. [Paul (1848, 1863)].
Rosa ‘Alexandrine Bachmeteff’
Hybrid perpetual. ‘Alexandrine Bachmeteff’ has bright rosy carmine flowers, large and full, of first rate character, on a hardy, free-growing, vigorous shrub. [Paul (1863, 1888), Rivers 1854, FC p.228/1857].
Rosa ‘Annie Vibert’
An early cluster-flowered Noisette, a mid-size shrub, to 1.5m, fragrant, repeat flowering, good for a pot. The flowers are medium pink on opening then white. [].
Rosa ‘Auguste Mie’
Hybrid Perpetual. ‘Auguste Mie’ was described by Paul as similar to ‘Coupe d'Hébé’, its flowers a light, glossy rose-pink, large, double, and globular in form. A late bloomer producing a vigorous bush, good for standard, pot or pillar. [Paul (1863, 1888), Rivers (1854, 1857, 1863), FC p.228/1857].
Rosa ‘Baronne de Hecheren’
Hybrid Perpetual. The flowers were described by Paul as rosy pink, the petals large, cupped and double, a fine showy rose. [Paul 1863, FC p.61/1855].
Rosa ‘Baronne de Wassanaër’
Damask Moss rose. The flowers are scented, globular, large but not very double, bright red, borne in clusters in summer only, but it is a hardy, vigorous grower which flowers for a long period. To 1.5m. [Paul (1863, 1888, 1903), Rivers (1857, 1863), Amat].
Rosa ‘Baronne Prevost’
A Hybrid Perpetual ‘Baronne Prevost’ has highly-scented, very double, cerise pink flowers and produces a vigorous shrub which grows to 2m or more. Rivers described it as an old sort still well worthy of cultivation. [Paul (1848, 1863, 1888, 1903), Rivers (1854, 1857, 1863), Henry Curtis p. 9 vol.2/1853].
Rosa ‘Belle Emilie’
A Provins rose, ‘Belle Emilie’ was described by Catherine Gore as very double, with somewhat spotted pink flowers.
Rosa ‘Bernard’
Classified as a Damask Perpetual by William Paul, writing in The Gardeners Chronicle and as a Portland rose by James Smith in the Floricultural Cabinet. Rivers described ‘Rose Bernard’ as a sport of the ‘Crimson Perpetual’ rose, as was ‘Celina Dubos’, otherwise known as ‘Madame Dubos’. He described it as ‘a most beautiful rose with rather small flowers, but these are very double and finely shaped, of a delicate pink tinted with salmon, and very fragrant.’ [GC 5th Aug 1843, GC p.831/1844, FC p.6/1853, Rivers (1854, 1863)].
Rosa ‘Blairii No 2’
Generally considered to be Bourbon rose, it was classified as a Hybrid China by Rivers and Paul and included in this group by Macarthur. A climbing or pillar rose, it has large and distinct rosy, blush flowers and is said to be a reliable repeat flowerer although it never repeat flowers in my garden. To 3.5m. William Paul described it as one of the largest roses and one of the freest growers, often obtaining 10-12 feet in one season. [Paul (1848, 1863, 1888, 1903), Gard Chron. 1847].
Rosa ‘Boule de Nanteuil’
Gallica rose. ‘Boule de Nanteuil’ has reddish-crimson flowers, beautifully cupped and very double, considered by Rivers to be a fine crimson rose. [Paul (1848, 1863, 1888, 1903), Rivers (1854, 1857, 1863), Gard Chron. 1842].
Rosa ‘Bouquet de Flore’
Bourbon rose. ‘Bouquet de Flore’ is a light, glossy carmine colour, the flowers large and double, cupped, sweet-scented and exquisite. A hardy, vigorous and free-flowering rose with fine foliage. An excellent autumnal bloomer and useful as a standard, pillar or for pots. [Paul (1848, 1863, 1888), Rivers (1857, 1863), FC p.252/1850].