Australian Natives
All of these plants will also appear in one of the Camden Park catalogue categories.
Proiphys amboinensis (L.) Herb.
Frost-tender bulbous perennial with elliptic basal leaves, to 35cm long, expanding after flowering, and stems, to 60cm long, bearing umbels of up to 30, funnel-shaped white flowers in spring. To 45cm. [RHSD, Baker Am., Blombery].
Proiphys cunninghamii (Aiton ex Lindl.) Mabb.
Frost-tender bulb with oval leaves to 25cm and 75cm flower stems bearing umbels of up to 15 white, funnel-shaped flowers in summer. To 30cm. [RHSD, Baker Am., Blombery].
Pseudanthus species unidentified
Small heath-like shrubs, leathery leaves, alternate or apparently opposite, flowers in the upper leaf axils, the males clustered on short peduncles, the female solitary. Three species are found in the Sydney region:
Pseudanthus pimeleoides Sieb. Ex Spreng., uncommon and growing in sandy soils in mist gullies.
Pseudanthus orientalis (Baill.) F.Muell., growing in coastal dunes and heath.
Pseudanthus divaricatissimus (J.Muell.) Benth. found on rocky sites on higher land. [FNSW].
Macarthur’s plant is likely to be one of these.
Pseudanthus species unidentified
Pseudanthus are small heath-like shrubs with leathery leaves, alternate or apparently opposite, and flowers in the upper leaf axils, the males clustered on short peduncles, the female solitary [FNSW].
Rhodanthe manglesii Lindl.
Erect, much branched annual with glaucous, oblong leaves and flowers varying in colour from pink to purple, with yellow disk-florets. Double forms are also known. To 60cm. [RHSD, Hortus].
Santalum acuminatum (R.Br.) A.DC.
An erect shrub or small tree with lance-shaped leaves and bumerous small flowers in mostly terminal panicles, followed by bright red, rarely yellow, edible sweet fruit, 25mm long. The seeds or nuts are also edible. To 6m. Member of the Sandalwood family from southern and more arid parts of Australia, partially parasitic on the roots of other plants. [FNSW, Wrigley].
Sarcochilus falcatus R.Br.
Small, frost-tender, epiphytic orchid with fleshy leaves, to 16cm long, and slender racemes of up to 10, white, orange-blossom-scented flowers, with yellow and purple markings, in spring. [RHSD, Jones, FNSW, Pridgeon, Beadle].
Sarcochilus hillii F.Muell.
Frost tender epiphytic orchid with drooping stems, to 5cm, slender, linear leaves, to 10cm, often spotted, and an erect inflorescence bearing up to 10, crystalline, white to pale pink flowers, occasionally with yellow markings and purple markings on the labellum, in summer. [Jones, Beadle].
Sarcochilus olivaceus Lindl.
Frost-tender epiphytic orchid with short, thick stems, sickle-shaped leaves, to 14cm long, and axillary racemes of up to 11, olive green to golden flowers, up to 3.5cm across, in spring. [RHSD, Jones, FNSW, Beadle].
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers.
Short-lived, soft-wooded tree with pinnate leaves, to 30cm, with up to 30 pairs of leaflets, and racemes of large, pea-like, red, pink or white flowers followed by seed pods to 45cm long. To 12m. [RHSD]. Don describes Agati grandiflora Desv. as having yellowish flowers, with white and pink forms also known.
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. var. florealba
See Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. for a general description. The variety alba, recorded from from Northern Australia, has double white flowers. [RHSD].
Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames
A terrestrial orchid, usually found in a damp environment including peat bogs, with a basal rosette of narrow, lance-shaped leaves, to 16cm long and spirally twisted flower spike with pink flowers, to 45cm tall. [RHSD, Jones, FNSW, Pridgeon].
Sticherus flabellatus (R.Br.) H.St.John
Rhizomatous, creeping fern with pinnate leaves, the fronds to 1m high. [RHSD, FNSW].
Synoum glandulosum (Sm.) Juss.
Frost tender evergreen shrub or small tree with pinnate leaves composed of up to 7 elliptical-lance-shaped leaflets, and reddish-white flowers most of the year. To 7m. [FNSW, Beadle].
Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merrill & Perry
Tree with buttressed stem, flaky, pink-red bark, elliptic leaves to 15cm long, and groups of 4 cream to red-purple flowers held under the leaves, followed by edible, vitamin-rich pink fruits ripening to black, to 2cm across. To 25m. [RHSD, Hortus].