Plants in the Hortus
Many of the plants described here were listed in the catalogues of plants published by Sir William Macarthur in 1843, 1845, 1850 and 1857 and in an unpublished catalogue dated 1861. A large number of additional plants were identified from correspondence, gardening notebooks and other documents surviving in the archives. The Hortus attempts to describe all the plants grown in the gardens at Camden Park and those grown in horticultural enterprises such as orchards and vineyards and includes plants grown outside the gardens in the park-like environs of the Camden Park estate. The Hortus plants served a wide range of purposes in the 19th century household; as ornament, living fences, fibre, dyestuffs, medicines, food and drink from the garden, orchard and vineyard and many others.
Lophospermum ‘Hendersonii’
Unidentified species or variety but possibly a form of Maurandya barclaiana Lindl. which see. There are many colour forms of this plant.
Lophospermum erubescens D.Don
Tender evergreen climber with toothed, triangular leaves and rose-coloured flowers. [RHSD, Hortus]. See also Lophospermum scandens D.Don.
Lophospermum scandens D.Don
Frost tender evergreen perennial climber, deciduous in cool climates, with slightly hairy leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers with rose-purple corolla and white tube, in summer and autumn. To 3m or more. [RHSD, Hortus].
Lotus jacobaeus L.
Half-hardy, erect perennial with pinnate leaves, composed of 5 linear leaflets, to 4cm long, and axillary clusters of pea-like, chocolate to purple-brown flowers plus some yellow on the same plant, mainly in summer. To 90cm. [RHSE, Hortus].
Lotus sericeus DC.
Borderline fully-hardy, rounded to spreading, evergreen or semi-evergreen, silver-hairy bush with pinnate leaves, composed of 5 elliptic leaflets, to 2cm long, and axillary and terminal umbels of 4-10, pea-like, pink-flushed, creamy white flowers, to 2cm long, in summer and autumn. To 60cm. [RHSE].
Luculia gratissima Sweet
Frost-tender, erect then spreading evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub or small tree, with downy, red-flushed stems, lance-shaped pointed leaves with prominent veins, to 20cm long, and corymbs, to 20cm wide, of fragrant, long-tubed, salverform pink flowers, to 4cm long, from autumn to winter. To 6m. [RHSE, Hilliers’, Hortus].
Luculia pinceana Hook.
Tender evergreen shrub with lance-shaped leaves and very fragrant creamy white flowers, tinged pink in summer. To 1.8m. [RHSD].
Lucuma obovata H.B.&K.
Frost tender evergreen tree with entire, leathery leaves, to 10cm long, and 1, 2 or 3 white flowers produced in the leaf axils, followed by roundish, dark green fruit, the size of a small orange. [RHSD].
Lucuma sericea (Aiton) Benth. & Hook.f.
Frost tender shrub with ovate leaves, hairy beneath, and axillary white flowers. To 3m. [Don].
Lupinus ornatus Dougl. ex Lindl.
Hardy perennial lupin, the flowers dark blue with a pink spot on the standards. To 90cm. [RHSD, Hortus].
Lupinus paniculatus Desr. var. pubescens (Benth.) Wedd.
Hardy annual with violet-blue flowers with a white centre. To 90cm. [RHSD, Hortus]. Said to be a hybrid of Lupinus paniculatus var. pubescens, the other parent not given.
Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.
Fully hardy, stout, usually un-branched, herbaceous perennial with from 9-17 leaflets and dense racemes, to 60cm long, of blue, purple, pink or white flowers in summer. To 1.8m. [RHSD, Hortus].
Lupinus sericeus Pursh var. sericeus
Perennial lupin with pubescent stems, palmate leaves with 5-9 leaflets and white to blue flowers. To 1.2m. [The Great Basin Naturalist vol.38, p.331/1978].
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