Pyrus communis ‘Zépherin Grégoire’
‘Fruit about medium size, roundish. Skin pale greenish-yellow, sometimes becoming of a uniform pale waxen yellow, covered with russet dots and markings. Eye very small, slightly depressed. Stalk an inch long, inserted without depression. Flesh yellow, buttery, melting, and very juicy, very rich, sugary, and vinous, with a powerful and peculiar aroma. A most delicious pear. Ripe in December and January.’ [Hogg – Fruit Manual p.206/1860].
Horticultural & Botanical History
‘M. Grégoire, pomologist, Jodoigne, Bel., raised this variety supposedly from seeds of Passe Colmar about 1831.’ [Pears of New York p.587].
‘A very delicious pear. One of the best late pears, and like Josephine de Malines it is always good.’ [HP pl.XXXVIII/1878]. Also figured in Le Jardin Fruitier du Muséum [JFM vol.7/1866].
History at Camden Park
Listed only in the 1857 catalogue in an Addendum as ‘Zepharin Gregorie’. This is amended in Macarthur’s hand to ‘Zepharin Gregoîre’ in a copy of the catalogue used by him for this purpose [Pear no.70/1857]. ‘70. Of the highest [2 words indistinct], flavour of the Passe Colmar.’ [Diary B, MP A2951/1862]. Obtained from Veitch’s Nursery, probably the original Exeter premises.
Published May 20, 2010 - 05:24 PM | Last updated Jul 22, 2011 - 10:53 AM

Pyrus communis L. var. ‘Zépherin Grégoire’ | HP pl.XXXVIII/1878 | RBGS. Zépherin Grégoire is the small roundish, green pear at top right.
Family | Rosaceae |
Category | |
Region of origin | Garden origin, Belgium |
Synonyms | |
Common Name | Dessert Pear, winter |
Name in the Camden Park Record |
Zepharin Gregorie |
Confidence level | high |