
Colin Mills, compiler of the Hortus Camdenensis, died in late November 2012 after a short illness. As he always considered the Hortus his legacy, it is his family's intention to keep the site running in perpetuity. It will not, however, be updated in the near future.

Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.

North eastern North America

Fully-hardy, evergreen conical tree with smooth grey bark, leaves, to 2.5cm long, arranged in a V-shape on the shoots, and purplish blue cones, to 8cm long.  To 15m.  [RHSD, Hortus, Hilliers’].

Horticultural & Botanical History

Introduced to Britain in 1696.  [JD].  Leaves, cones and seeds are illustrated in Die Coniferen.  [Die Coniferen t.XXVI/1840-41].

History at Camden Park

Listed in the 1845, 1850 and 1857 catalogues [C.1/1845].


Published Jul 12, 2009 - 05:24 PM | Last updated Jul 29, 2010 - 03:21 PM

Leaves, cones and seeds are illustrated.  Die Coniferen t.XXVI, 1840-41.

Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. | Die Coniferen t.XXVI/1840-41 | BHL.  Abies balsamea is fig. iii on the right.

Family Pinaceae
Region of origin

North eastern North America

  • Pinus balsamea L.
Common Name

Balsam fir, Balm of Gilead

Name in the Camden Park Record

Abies balsamea - Balsam spruce fir 

Confidence level high