Rhododendron anthopogon D.Don

Compact dwarf shrub with scaly branchlets, leaves to 3cm long, and terminal clusters of narrowly tubular cream to deep pink flowers in spring.  To 60cm.  [RHSD, Hortus, Hilliers’].

Horticultural & Botanical History

Rhododendron fragrans is figured in Paxton’s Magazine of Botany and described as a very dwarf, compact, evergreen shrub.  Leaves small, oblong, slightly wrinkled.  Flowers pale pinkish lilac, of various shades.  [MB p.148/1843].  Introduced to Britain in 1820.  [PD].  ‘The Countess of Rosslyn has taken great pains to form, at Dysart house, an unusually extensive collection of the different species and superb varieties of rhododendron, and placed there, under the judicious management of the gardener, Mr. Blair, they thrive and flower in a manner certainly not surpassed in any collection in Britain.  Among these, the rare species now described forms a dense bush.  It was obtained from Messrs. Loddiges five years ago, and during each of the last three years it has flowered in the open border abundantly in April, and partially in August.  It is a native of the Himalayan mountains, and extends, as we are informed by Dr. Royle, along the range from Nepal to Cashmere.’  [BM t.3947/1842].

History at Camden Park

Listed only in the 1850 catalogue.  Obtained from Veitch’s Nursery, brought out from England by Captain P. P. King in 1849.  Believed by Macarthur to be a new introduction at that time.  [ML A1980-3].  Rhododendron anthopogon is crossed out in a copy of the 1850 catalogue held at the Mitchell Library.  [ML635.9m].


Rhododendron anthopogon Wall. (1828-49) = Rhododendron setosum D.Don, another Himalayan species.

Published Jun 18, 2009 - 04:52 PM | Last updated Jul 18, 2010 - 11:34 AM

The figure shows obovate leaves and clusters of creamy white, tubular flowers.  Curtis's Botanical Magazine t.3947, 1842.

Rhododendron anthopogon D.Don | BM t.3947/1842 | BHL

More details about Rhododendron anthopogon D.Don
Family Ericaceae
Region of origin


  • Rhododendron fragrans Maxim.
  • Rhododendron aromaticum Wall.
Common Name
Name in the Camden Park Record

Rhododendron anthopogon 

Confidence level high