Campsis grandiflora K. Schum.

Frost hardy, vigorous tendrilled climber with pinnate leaves to 30cm, each with 7-9 coarsely-toothed leaflets, and pendent, terminal panicles of 6-12 open funnel-shaped, dark orange to red flowers in summer and autumn.  To 10m.  There is a form ‘Thunbergii’, with shorter tubes, red trumpets and reflexed lobes, which may be the same as B. grandiflora Thunb.  [RHSE, Hilliers’, Hortus].

Horticultural & Botanical History

‘The Bignonia grandiflora is an extremely ornamental shrub, is easily propagated by cuttings, and blossoms more readily than radicans.  It is considered as a greenhouse plant, and is observed to flower most freely, when forced by artificial heat.  It is not improbable however that it may be found to be sufficiently hardy to bear our winters without shelter, being a native of Japan and China.’  [BM t.1398/1811]. 

‘The drawing of this magnificent climber [Bignonia grandiflora] was taken from a plant which flowered, late this summer, in the hothouse of Mr. Catley’s botanical garden, Barnet; where we are told it grew in such luxuriance that the branches acquired nearly 30 feet in length in the space of a few months.  Some of the leaves we saw measured a foot and an half in length, and 9 inches across.  We believe the plant is of very recent introduction, as it is not enumerated either in the last edition of the Hortus Kewensis, or in the Hortus Suburbanus Londinensis.  [BR f.418/1819].

Tecoma grandiflora was introduced to Britain in 1800.  [JD].  ABR pl.493/1807.  FS f.1124-1125/1856.

History at Camden Park

Listed in all published catalogues [T.157/1843].


Published Feb 25, 2010 - 02:33 PM | Last updated Jul 15, 2010 - 10:40 AM

Figured is a twining climber with pinnate leaves and red and yellow trumpet flowers.  Curtis's Botanical Magazine t.1398, 1811.

Campsis grandiflora K. Schum. | BM t.1398/1811 as Bignonia grandiflora | BHL

More details about Campsis grandiflora K. Schum.
Family Bignoniaceae
Region of origin


  • Bignonia grandiflora Thunb.
  • Campsis chinensis (Lam.) Voss
  • Tecoma grandiflora Delaunay
  • Bignonia chinensis Lam.
  • Tecoma chinensis K. Koch. 
Common Name

Trumpet creeper, Chinese trumpet creeper, Chinese trumpet vine

Name in the Camden Park Record

Bignonia grandiflora 

Confidence level high