Salvia patens Cav.

Frost hardy tuberous perennial with few-flowered loose, terminal racemes of paired, deep blue flowers in midsummer to mid-autumn.  To 60cm.  [RHSE, Hortus].

Horticultural & Botanical History

‘We have pleasure in submitting to our readers a correct delineation of a plant which appears likely to engage, in the ensuing season, no inconsiderable portion of popular attention.  To ensure a due estimation of its merits, we need not appeal to the uniform testimony of every writer who has hitherto noticed it, though, in this respect, few plants present stronger claims to consideration.  We rest our recommendation on higher grounds, and at once direct the reader to the annexed plate; of which, however, we think it proper to observe, that the colour of the flower is considerably less brilliant than it is naturally, since it is found almost impossible successfully to imitate its transcendentally intense and dazzling hue.’  [MB p.1/1839].  ‘Salvia patens, grown in the open bed, and its branches pegged down, makes a splendid show of blue, and can thus be kept dwarf to correspond with other dwarf plants.  To obtain as many lateral shoots as to cover the bed entirely, the flower spikes, in an early state, being pinched off, induces a numerous production.  I have done the same with Salvia fulgens, various Petunias, Pentstemon gentianoides and coccinea, Heliotropes, &c., and they succeed with equal effect.’  [FC p.70/1842].  Introduced to Britain as 1838.  [JD].  ‘Received from Mr. Tweedie, and is a most splendid species.’  [FC p.262/1838].  This periodical figured it in 1839, George Bentham commenting: ‘We may hope that in the Salvia patens, we have now secured one of the most desirable of the group, more especially as there seems reason to believe that it is not more tender than S. fulgens.’  [FC p.51/1839].  Flore des Serres figured both the type and variety flore alba.  [FS f.503/1849].  OFG f.23/1854.  BR f.23/1839.  BF pl.10/1840.  BM t.3808/1840.

History at Camden Park

Listed in all published catalogues [H.208/1843].


Published Feb 09, 2009 - 04:40 PM | Last updated Mar 22, 2010 - 04:29 PM

The illustration shows the blue-purple, nettle-like flowers.  Curtis's Botanical Magazine t.3808, 1840.

Salvia patens Cav. | BM t.3808/1840 | BHL

More details about Salvia patens Cav.
Family Lamiaceae
Region of origin


Common Name

Gentian sage

Name in the Camden Park Record

Salvia patens 

Confidence level high