Passiflora racemosa Brot.

Frost-tender, vigorous, woody climber with slender stems, ovate to 3-lobed leaves, to 10cm long, and pendant racemes of bowl-shaped, bright red flowers, to 12cm across, with purple and white coronas, in summer and autumn, followed by green fruit.  To 5m.  [RHSE, Hortus, Hilliers’].  

Horticultural & Botanical History

‘It has rarely fallen to our lot to present our friends with a more elegant subject than this; interesting also as being the first time of its flowering in this country, to which it has very lately been brought from Rio de Janeiro.’  [LBC no.84, 1817]. 

‘It grows naturally in shady woods in a gravely soil, and is said often to produce two stems from the same roots, one of which rapidly climbs very high, and produces flowers altogether without leaves, while the other, bearing leaves, either lies on the ground, or climbs and does not flower till one or two years after the other has borne fruit.’  [BM t.2001/1818].  Introduced to Europe in 1815.  [PD].  BR f.285/1818.

History at Camden Park

Listed in the 1845, 1850 and 1857 catalogues [T.734/1845].  Passiflora racemosa was ticked in a copy of the Hort. Reg., October 1831.  Although this originally belonged to James Bowman, it is likely that this plant was grown by Macarthur earlier than 1845.  A plant was presented to the Sydney Botanic Garden by William Macarthur on September 15th 1847 [RBGS AB].


Published Jan 31, 2010 - 03:18 PM | Last updated Jul 29, 2010 - 02:02 PM

Figured are 3-lobed leaves and bright red passionflowers.  Curtis's Botanical Magazine t.2001, 1818.

Passiflora racemosa Brot. | BM t.2001/1818 | BHL

More details about Passiflora racemosa Brot.
Family Passifloraceae
Region of origin


  • Passiflora princeps Lodd.
Common Name

Red passionflower, Princess Charlotte?s passionflower

Name in the Camden Park Record

Passiflora racemosa 

Confidence level high