Passiflora pinnatistipula Cav.

Half-hardy climbing passion vine with 3-lobed, serrated leaves, whitish below, and pale rose flowers, with a deep blue crown, in late summer, followed by yellow-green fruit, to 5cm long.  To 10m.  [RHSD, Don].

Horticultural & Botanical History

‘It first made its appearance in the Garden of Mrs Marryatt, of Wimbledon, by whom its seeds were procured two or three years ago [in 1828] from Chile, where it seems to be not an uncommon species.’  [BR f.1536/1832]. 

‘A dozen years ago we had the privilege of visiting the beautiful garden of Mrs. Marryatt, of Wimbledon, near London, and in the large, high conservatory, a plant of this Tacsonia was flourishing in an extraordinary manner.  It was trained near to the glass roof, and so as to extend entirely over the whole house.  The younger branches and shoots were allowed to hang down, and they bore a profusion of lovely rose-coloured Passion-like flowers. […] Mr. Benton has found out that the T. pinnatistipula being grafted upon a P. mollissima, it induces it to bloom freely.  The plant at Wimbledon was allowed to grow at its natural length, appeared not to be pruned at all, but had a summer disbudding of its young shoots.  This we think peculiar to its success.’  [FC p.297/1850].  OFG f.13/1854.  MB p.249/1834.  BM t.4062/1844.

History at Camden Park

Listed in all published catalogues [T.959/1843].


Published Jan 31, 2010 - 03:43 PM | Last updated Jul 29, 2010 - 02:00 PM

Figured are 3-lobed, toothed leaves and pale rose flowers, with a deep blue crown.  Curtis's Botanical Magazine t.4062, 1844.

Passiflora pinnatistipula Cav. | BM t.4062/1844 | BHL

More details about Passiflora pinnatistipula Cav.
Family Passifloraceae
Region of origin

South America

  • Tacsonia pinnatistipula Juss.
Common Name

Mrs. Maryatt?s Tacsonia

Name in the Camden Park Record

Tacsonia pinnatistipula 

Confidence level high