Dipogon lignosus (L.) Verdc.

Half-hardy perennial twining climber with attractive purple-pink flowers in decorative clusters of 3-6 blooms during summer.  To 3m.  [RHSD, Hortus].

Horticultural & Botanical History

‘Rumphius informs us, that the seed-vessels of this plant are a common food throughout India, eaten as our French or kidney beans are, to which however he observes, that they are far inferior. […] This plant, so far from requiring a stove, is hardy enough to bear our ordinary winters, when placed against a wall in a sheltered part of the garden.’  Introduced to Europe by Mons. Thouin in 1776.  [BM t.380/1797].  

History at Camden Park

Listed in all published catalogues [H.98/1843].


Dolichos lignosus Jacq. = Dolichos jacquini DC.

Published Dec 17, 2009 - 04:13 PM | Last updated Jul 21, 2010 - 11:54 AM

Figured is a twining climber with clusters of purple-pink flowers.  Curtis's Botanical Magazine t.380, 1797.

Dipogon lignosus (L.) Verdc. | BM t.380/1797 | BHL

More details about Dipogon lignosus (L.) Verdc.
Family Fabaceae
Region of origin

Probably Asia, but naturalised on the Iberian Peninsula

  • Dolichos lignosus L.
  • Verdcourtia lignosus (L.) R.Wilczek 
Common Name
Name in the Camden Park Record

Dolichos lignosus 

Confidence level high