Sinningia speciosa ‘Erecta Digitalis’

A cultivar of Sinningia speciosa (Lodd.) Hiern. The erecta cultivars are similar to ‘Fyfiana’, which see.  The name digitalis for Macarthur’s plant suggests that it had purplish, spotted flowers, reminiscent of foxgloves.  I have found no detailed description.

Horticultural & Botanical History

Gloxinia erecta, an erect-flowered group of cultivars, were bred in Germany nine years after ‘Fyfiana’ was developed in Scotland, i.e. about 1853.  [Gesneriad Register – Sinningia].  A number of cultivars are shown in the accompanying illustration, of unknown origin, but probably from a German publication.

History at Camden Park

Listed only in an appendix to the 1857 catalogue [A.56/1857].


A less likely possibility is Gloxinia digitaliflora Pax. [MB] ‘Foxglove-flowered gloxinia’, another form of Sinningia speciosa.  ‘This beautiful and distinct species is of very recent introduction and has flowered in several London nurseries.’  It is described as a Caulescens-type, with short, roundish, very thick, firm and rigid foliage, with long and small-tubed flowers of a rich purplish-crimson hue.  [Gard. Chron. 1843].  It was described in the Floricultural Cabinet of the same year as ‘a dwarf habited plant.  The flowers have a longer tube than usual, of a fine crimson-purple colour.  It has bloomed with Mr. Knight and Messrs. Rollinson.’  ‘Its beautiful flowers produced in vast profusion, renders it a valuable acquisition, and it ought to be grown in every collection.’  [FC p.241/1843, FC p.274/1843].  It is also figured in Paxton's Magazine of Botany.  [MB p.193/1843].

Published Sep 07, 2009 - 05:03 PM | Last updated Aug 19, 2011 - 04:37 PM

The image shows ten gloxinia flowers, all upright, in shades of white, pink and purple.  Origin unknown.

Sinningia speciosa ‘Erecta’ | of German origin | image courtesy of, origin unknown


More details about Sinningia speciosa ‘Erecta Digitalis’
Family Gesneriaceae
Region of origin

Garden origin, Germany

  • Sinningia speciosa (Lodd.) Hiern convariety fyfiana var. erecta digitalis
  • Gloxinia erecta digitalis Hort.


Common Name


Name in the Camden Park Record


  • Gloxinia erecta digitalis  

Confidence level medium