Pinus sabiniana Dougl.

Fully-hardy, evergreen conical tree, becoming domed and somewhat straggly with age, with sparse, blue-green leaves, to 30cm long, borne in threes, and ovoid, dark brown female cones, to 25cm long.  [RHSE, Hortus, Hilliers’].

Horticultural & Botanical History

Introduced to Britain by David Douglas in 1832.  [Hilliers’].  ‘Pinus sabiniana Lamb. - This tree, the gray-leaf pine, was found at many points in the southern Sierra Nevada and the adjacent mountains to the south, as follows: on the west slope of Walker Pass; on the foothills between the latter point and Caliente; on the lower mountain slopes around Tehachapi Valley; on the Liebre Mountains, south of Antelope Valley, extending to a point, on the authority of Mr. Palmer, 20 kilometers east of Liebre Ranch house; and among the foothills near Tejon Ranch (No. 1025).  The tree did not form a forest at any point, but grew with the nut pines scattered about in open places on chaparral slopes, below the yellow and black pines.  [Contributions from the US National Herbarium v.4, p.223/1893].  FS f.964/1853.

History at Camden Park

Listed only in the 1857 catalogue [C.73/1857].


Published Jul 23, 2009 - 03:52 PM | Last updated Jul 29, 2010 - 03:26 PM

More details about Pinus sabiniana Dougl.
Family Pinaceae
Region of origin

Western USA

Common Name

Digger pine

Name in the Camden Park Record

Pinus Sabiniana

Confidence level high