Crinum scabro-Macleayi no.5

A Crinum zeylanicum L. x Crinum Macleayi hybrid.  The latter is unidentified but is probably a form of one of the native Australian species, Crinum flaccidum Herb. or Crinum pedunculatum R.Br.

In 1845 and 1846 William Macarthur described ten Crinum scabro-macleayii hybrids in his gardening notebooks.  [MP A2948 Notebook no.4, p.4].

No. 5.  Resembles no. 4 but larger flowers, light pink inside and out deepening to a carmine tint in the centre of each. [Next section unclear].  Petals 1-1½ inches broad, ovate but terminating abruptly in a sharp point, corolla 5 inches in diameter.  Very handsome.  A second scape had 29 flowers.

Horticultural & Botanical History

Probably hybridised at Camden Park by John Bidwill but William Macarthur may also have played a role.

History at Camden Park

Crinum scabro-Macleayi was listed in the 1845, 1850 and 1857catalogues [B.92/1845] without any further information. 


Published May 05, 2009 - 04:42 PM | Last updated Jul 04, 2012 - 04:35 PM

More details about Crinum scabro-Macleayi no.5
Family Amaryllidaceae
Region of origin

Garden origin, probably Camden Park

Common Name
Name in the Camden Park Record

Crinum scabro-Macleayi

Confidence level high